प्लास्टिक मल्च फिल्म

प्लास्टिक मल्च का उपयोग!

आप एक किसान है, तो जाहिर सी बात है, कि अपनी ज़मीन के पौधों की अच्छी पैदावार के लिए विभिन्न तौर तरीकों को अपनाया होगा। इन्हीं में से एक है- प्लास्टिक मल्च, यह पॉलीथीन जैसी सामग्री से बनाई जाती है, जो मिट्टी की खरपतवारों को कम करती है तथा उसे ठंडा होने से रोकती है। […]

agricultural tarpaulin

Silpaulin Plastic Tarpaulin: The Ultimate Protection for Agricultural Use.

Silpaulin plastic tarpaulin one of the most reliable and durable, at the same time cost-effective protectants for agricultural products. Such tarpaulins are known to offer robust performance and versatility, to find wide usage in almost all sectors of agriculture: protecting from the climate, pests and environmental disasters. Small scale farmers and others handling big scale […]

silpaulin brick kiln cover

Application and Advantages of Brick Kiln Tarpaulin Cover.

Brick kiln tarpaulin covers plays a vital role to covers the bricks in sun, rain, dust conditions. Here are some of the advantages and applications regarding brick kiln tarpaulin cover. Weather Resistance: Tarpaulin is very good for keeping the rain, snow, and UV rays out to maintain optimal conditions for bricks during drying. Cost-Effective: Tarpaulin […]

hdpe poultry curtains

Advantages of HDPE Poultry Curtains in Poultry Farming!

HDPE poultry curtains have several advantages which can be attributed to poultry housing and management. HDPE Curtains is resistant to UV-rays, chemicals, and moisture, making it a long-term solution for the poultry environment. The material is light, therefore during installation and handling relatively easier compared to heavier material. It has the advantage of offering excellent […]

hdpe pond liner

Why do we use HDPE pond liner and how it helps to increase productivity and heath of Fishes?

HDPE pond liners are in great demand in aquaculture for some of the reasons listed above and, therefore, contribute a lot towards fish productivity and welfare. Here is how: Water Retention: HDPE has given a waterproof lining that ensures the absence of seepage loss of water. At steady levels of water, stability may be achieved […]

poultry house curtains

Benefits of poultry curtains during winter seasons.

Poultry curtains or poultry house curtains has provided several benefits for poultry farmers during winter seasons. These curtains have different features like UV resistant, durable, waterproof, weather-resistant and are used to control temperature, humidity, and airflow in poultry houses. Here is the main advantage of poultry curtains in winter. Protection from wind and snow – […]

greenhouse sheet_films

Choosing the Right Greenhouse Sheets / Greenhouse Films: A Comprehensive Guide.

Greenhouse sheets / Greenhouse films are used to covers the greenhouse structure to protects against sunlight, rain etc. It provides an ideal condition for plant growth. Its role in providing the plant with light and insulation while preventing outside elements makes it play a very critical role. Here are some factors to consider. Material Types: […]

cross laminated multilayer tarpaulin

Choosing the Right Cross Laminated Multilayer Tarpaulin for Your Needs.

Compared to single layer tarpaulin, cross laminated multilayer tarpaulin is made up of several layers and is intended to be a rather more durable, strong, and long-lasting. It is also created by layering several plastic films criss-cross over one another and connected by a patented hot-cold lamination process. These types of tarpaulins used PVC, HDPE […]

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